Constitutiones Apostolicae in Greek — Venice 1563
Διαταγαὶ τῶν ἁγὶων Ἀποστόλων διὰ Κλημέντος […] Constitutiones sanctorum Apostolorum doctrina catholica a Clemente Romano episcopo […] Francisci Turriani Prolegomena, & explanationes apologeticae in easdem constitutiones. Haec nunc primum impressa sunt. [Printed in Greek]. — Venetiis, ex officina Iordani Zileti, M D LXIII. [Venice, Giordano Ziletti, 1563].
Editio princeps
4to (207 x 150 mm). Α-Δ4 E2 α-ω4 αα-ωω4 ααα4: 18, 195, (1) ff. Lower half of f. 127v covered by the publisher with blank paper like in all copies. Ownership entry on title; a small stamp showing a monk to the right of Zileti’s device. A very few contemporary annotations in Greek & Latin, and underlinings. A few quires a bit toned.
18th [?] century red boards. A strip of the paste-down paper pasted on the inner margin of the title-page. – Hoffmann I, 460; Adams C-1334; Edit16 2180.Liturgy –
Type: Cut by Andrea Spinelli, publisher, medallist and engraver of the Venetian mint. The large-size typeface (20 lines=114-115 mm) is used here for the main text Διαταγαὶ τῶν ἁγίων Ἀποστόλων, the smaller one for the preface and the commentaries of the Spanish Jesuit Hellenist Francisco Torres (Turrianus, 1509-1584).