Aristoteles / Theophrastus
Scripta quaedam … — Genf 1557
Εκ των Αριστοτελους και Θεοφραστου. Aristotelis et Theophrasti scripta quaedam, quae vel nunquam antea, vel misus emendata quam nunc, editae fuerunt. — [Geneva], Henricus Stephanus, 1557.
8vo (153 x 106 mm). ¶4 [¶3 signed a3] b-k8 l4: (4) leaves, 152 (numbered 168) pp. 18th-century Italian half vellum. First edition thus.
¶ ”A rare collection of Greek texts, some of which are printed here for the first time, while others are corrected from manuscripts which Henri Estienne examined during one of his Italian tours. The texts include the Characters of Theophrastus (23 Characters), and his fragmentary treatise on sense-perception, De sensu; the ps.-Aristotelian De mirabilibus auscultationibus, and the essay by Sotion on rivers, springs, and pools.
Following the Greek texts are 18 pages of critical notes by Henri Estienne, who dedicates the volume to Piero Vettori […]
This little volume is elegantly printed in two sizes of the ‚grecs du roi’, from the duplicate set which Robert had brought with him to Geneva; at the head of leaf i4r appear three lines printed in an exceedingly minute Greek type, smaller than the smallest font of the ‚grecs du roi’, and whose earliest use was in 1553, at Geneva, in the small Greek Testament printed by Crespin […].” Schreiber 142)
Hoffmann I, 287f.; Renouard 116, n° 3.