Mosellanus / Melanchthon / Ceporinus / Evangelion kata Marcon / Tibullus
Sammelband: Antwerp, Louvain, Cologne, Hagenau 1522-1534
Mosellanus, Petrus
Tabulae de schematibus et tropis, Petri Mosellani, in Rhetorica Philippi Melanchthonis, in Erasmi Ro. libellum de duplici copia. — [Colophon: Antverpiae apud Michaelem Hillenium in Rapo], 1529.
Melanchthon, Philipp
Institutiones Rhetoricae. — [Colophon: Haganoae in aedibus Thoma Anshelmi Badensis, mense Decembris, anno M.D.XXII.].
Ceporinus, Jacobus
Grammatica Graeca, iam tertium de integro ab ipso autore & castigata & locupletata. Eiusdem Ceporini scholion breve in Hesiodi Georgica, quo via sternitur ad dictiones sententiasque quasdam obscuriores intelligendas. Additur Graecorum versuum ratio. Accedunt epigrammata quaedam ut venustissima, ita scitu q[uaedam] dignissima. — Vaeneunt Antverpiae in aedibus Delporum per. Ion. Steelsium. An. M.D.XXXIIII.
ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ ΚΑΤΑ ΜΑΡΚΟΝ. Evangelium secundum Marcum. — Lovanij, Ex officina Rutgeri Rescij Mense Novem. 1534.
Tibullus, Propertius, Ovidius
Tibulli, Propertii, ac Ovidii flores, ab Joanne Murmellio nuper selecti a complusculis mendis repurgati. Coloniae, Apud Ioannem Gymnichum Anno M.D.XXXIIII.
Mosellanus: A-D8: (32) leaves. Woodcut title-border. Ed. by Georgius Maior. – Nijhoff/Kronenberg 3552 (Michelstadt Kirchenb.). The name of Melanchthon deleted with brown ink.
Melanchthon: a-c8 d4, but lacking a1: (27) leaves. – VD16 M 3519 (Freiburg, Michelstadt). Apparently the first owner, who deleted the name of Melanchthon on the Mosellanus title-page, did not want to see the name Melanchthon on that title and asked the binder to put it away.
Ceporinus: A-L8 M4: (92) leaves. – Nijhoff/Kronenberg 2622. One copy only known.
Evangelion: a-f8 g4: (52) leaves. C1 and C2 bound after C4. – Nijhoff/Kronenberg 2420.
Tibullus …: A-D8 (D8 blank): 32 leaves. – VD16 T 1267 (BSB, Halle).
8vo (148 x 100 mm). Contemporary vellum, a wallet binding, bookblock loose in its first binding.
Vellum fly-leaves from a manuscript with an antiphon verse (Miratur ratio deum in hominem suscepto filio de matre virgine non fiat questio de tanto numine fides sit ratio) to protect first and last quire.
Dampstaining to upper margin throughout: the paper has become weak in the upper margin and is frayed; the last leaf of Tibullus with loss of a few letters in the heading.
Provenance: Marginal and interlinear annotations (except Tibullus) in Greek and Latin.