Greek - learning Greek, Hebrew & Latin
Precationes … [in Hebrew, Greek & Latin]. — Paris 1554
1.500 €Precationes aliquot celebriores e sacris Bibliis desumptae, ac in studiosorum gratiam lingua Hebraica, Graeca & Latina in Enchiridii formulam redactae. Adiectis benedictionibus, canticis, & si qua alia eiusdem sunt generis. — Parisiis, apud Martinum Iuvenem … [Martin Le Jeune], 1554.
8vo (140 x 96 mm). a-y8 z6: 363 pp. Contemporary limp vellum. Ms title on spine, and on lower edge.
Similar editions appeared Lyon 1528 and Paris 1544 (but both in 16mo, with different texts and order, and both 88ff and 70ff only). Parallel to the Greek you find the Vulgate Latin text, to the Hebrew the Latin version of Santi Pagnino (1470-1541), whose important translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin was first printed in 1527. – Adams P 2070.