Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter

Callimachus, Moschus, Bion

Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta … Antwerp 1584

Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta, quae exstant. Et separatim, Moschi Syracusii, et Bionis Smyrnaei Idyllia. Bonaventura Vulcanio Brugensi interprete. Cum annotationibus eiusdem; & indice copioso. — Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1584.

16mo (120 x 78 mm). *8 A-S8; a-f8: pp. (16), 272, (16); (16), 95. A 17th century Dutch vellum binding. – Hoffmann I 428f.; Adams C 233; Voet, The Plantin Press, 870 B.

Provenance: Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun (1653-1716). His name on both title-pages. On upper fly-leaf a note „collat.“ and „10 st.“ (i. e. ten stuivers, an early Dutchcoin, 20 stuivers equalled 1 guilder) probably in Fletcher’s hand. Fletcher may have bought the book while his exile in the Netherlands, after 1683, or at one of his journeys to that country.

Fletcher: P. Willems, Bibliotheca Fletcheriana … p. 47: *046.10 Poet. Fletcher had 6 different Callimachus editions from 1496 (the Alopa imprint !) to 1697 in his library.