Greek Grammar - Lonicer, Ioannes
Graecae grammaticae methodus […] — Frankfurt 1551
Graecae grammaticae methodus […] — Francoforti ex Officina typographica Petri Braubachij, Anno Domini M.D.LI. [Frankfurt, Braubach, November 1551].
8vo ( 152 x 100 mm).
110, (1) leaves, but lacking leaves 31-50 ( i.e. De pronomibus and part of De verbis). Contemporary annotations and small drawings.
Contemporary pigskin, portrait of Melanchthon as centrepiece with the legend DOCTOR PHIL/IP MELANCHTO [sic]. Rubbed.
The copy is recased, paste-down and fly-leaf are new. Perhaps the binding was to small to contain the complete text. – VD16 L-2443.
This is one of approximately 95 different Greek grammars of the 16th century, which were printed in nearly 1000 editions – that would make around 900.000 copies in this century.