Argonauticon […] — Basel 1523
1.500 €Orphei poetarum vetustissimi Argonauticon opus Graecum, cum interpretatione Latina incerti autoris, recens addita, & diligentius quam hactenus emendata. [Graece & Lat.]. – Basel, Andreas Cratander, Juni 1523.
4to. a4-o4: (56) leaves. Printed in Greek & Latin. First quire mounted, small tear to title, repaired on verso. Woodcut border and device by Ambrosius Holbein (Hieronymus, Oberrhein. Buchillustr. 372, 388g). Very light waterstaining to some leaves. 18th century calf, gilt border on both covers, slightly rubbed. First separate edition of the Greek text. – Hoffmann III, 31; Hieronymus, Griech. Geist, no. 157