Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter


ἐκλογαὶ περὶ πρεσβείων. — Antwerp 1582


Ἐκ τῶν Πολυβίου τοῦ Μεγαλοπολίτου ἐκλογαὶ περὶ πρεσβείων. Ex libris Polybii Megapolitani selecta de legationibus … Nunc primum in lucem edita. Ex bibliotheca Fulvi Ursini. — Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini. M. D. LXXXII. [Antwerp, Plantin, 1582].

Editio princeps

4to (223 x 158 mm). (*)4 A-Z a-z Aa-Kk4 A-Z4 (last blank): (8), 447, (1); 182 p. Title-page and second leaf ruled in red. Repaired tear in D1, repair in lower blank margin of m2.

19th century straigt grain red morocco, gilt spine, triple gilt fillet on both covers, gilt inside dentelles. Edges gilt. A ms. note on the upper fly-leaf names Charles Lewis (1786-1836) as its bookbinder. – Adams P 1800; Hoffmann III2 270f.; Voet, The Plantin Press, 2081.