Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter

Vlachos Cretensi, Gerasimos

Ἁρμονία ὁριστικὴ … / Harmonia definitiva … — Venice 1661


Ἁρμονία ὁριστικὴ τῶν ὄντων, κατὰ τοὺς Ἑλλήνων Σοφούς. Harmonia definitiva entium, de mente Graecorum doctorum. [In Greek & Latin]. — Venice, Andreas Julianus, 1661.


First and only edition

4to (230 x 170 mm). (20) leaves, 323 pp. Engraved title. Contemporary soft boards (cartone rustica) with pieces missing on spine and upper cover. Leaf M1 with a small piece cut off in the inner blank margin.

¶ Gerasimos Vlachos (1607–1685), Greek scholar of the Renaissance, born in Crete, migrated to Venice, where he studied under Thephilos Korydaleus. Wrote on Grammars, rhetorics, theology and philosophy; only a few of his works have been published. It is said that he „evolved into one of the most important Greek intellectuals of the 17th century“. (Nikolaos Panagiotakes, El Greco: The Cretan Years, p. 19). The Harmonia definitiva seems to be a rare book: KVK shows  copies in Oxford, London BL, three in Italy and one in France only.