Biblia / Novum Testamentum
Τῆς τοῦ Ὑιοῦ Θεοῦ καινῆς διαθήκης ἅπαντα. — Basel 1570
Τῆς τοῦ Ὑιοῦ Θεοῦ καινῆς διαθήκης ἅπαντα. Novum Testamentum Iesu Christi filii Dei, ex versione Erasmi, innumeris in locis ad Graecam veritatem, genuinumque sensum emendata. Glossa compendiaria M. Matthiae Flacij Illyrici Albonensis in novum Testamentum … — Basileae anno M. D. LXX. (Colophon:) Impressum Basilea per Petrum Pernam et Theobaldum Dietrich.
Basel, Perna & Dietrich, 1570
First edition by Flacius.
Folio (330 x 215 mm). (26) ff., 1394 (= 1398) pp., (52) ff. Blanks ✝︎4, EE6, Tt8 present. 3 folded tables, between m3/m4, s3/s4, y5/y6. Contemporary blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards, two clasps.
Provenance: On recto of fly-leaf Sum M: Bartholomaej [Torinarius ?] Isnensis [Isny in South Germany]; M: may stand for Magistri; purchase note in the same hand on verso of lower fly-leaf: Emptus Argentorati [Strasbourg] 5 idus Novemb. [Nov. 9] fl. 3 [gold florins, c. 300 Euros] Anno Domini 1571. Marginal notes and underlinings at the beginning in Bartholomaeus‘ hand.
VD16 B-4214; Adams B-1702; ustc 696194.
A very well-preserved copy with ample margins and in its first binding.