Briçonnet, Guillaume
Sermo synodalis …— Paris 1520
3.200 €Sermo synodalis R. in Christo Patris D. Guillermi Meldensis Episcopus, habitus Meldis, anno 1519, die 13 Octobris: quo monentur quibus omnium cura credita est, illis praesentes invigilare. — Parisiis. In aedibus Henrici Stephani. 1520.
[Paris, H. Estienne]
4to. 14 leaves. Later quarter calf, spine gilt. – Renouard 22, no. 1. Moreau, Inventaire chronologique des éditions parisiennes du XVIe siècle, vol. II 2274. WorldCat lists 6 copies only, USTC shows 10 copies.
„An extremely rare little work, and one of the last products of Henri Estienne’s press, published the year of his death. It consists of a sermon delivered by Guillaume Briçonnet (1470-1534) on 13 October 1519 in Meaux, where he was Bishop. Briçonnet, a close friend of Lefèvre d’Etaples (who dedicated several of his works to him), was a relative through marriage of the great bibliophile Jean Grolier – who married Anne Briçonnet in 1516.“ (Schreiber 32)