Opera in Greek & Latin — Heidelberg 1598
Τὰ εὑρισκόμενα. Hesiodi Ascraei opera quae exstant. In eadem doctorum virorum annotationes, & lectiones variae e MM.SS. Palat. ab H. Commelinus collectae. — (Heidelberg) H. Commelinus, 1598.
8vo (169 x 99 mm). *8 **8 A-F8 G4 a-e8 (lacking blank e8): 130; 77, (1) pp. Quires E-G and b browned. Foxed. Water margin in the first half of Opera & Dies. Name and notes on fly-leaves. 17th century Dutch vellum. – Hoffmann II2 249 („Eine seltene und geschätzte Ausgabe“).