Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter


Odyssey [In Greek. Vol. I of II] … Paris 1541


Ὁμήρου Ὀδύσσεια․ — (Paris, Edmè Toussan, Widow of Conrad Neobar), 1541.


8vo. α-π8 ρ4: 135 (i. e. 132) leaves (i. e. books 1-12 of the Odyssey). Woodcut device of Conrad Neobar on title-page. Printed in Neobar’s second Greek (20 lines: 90 mm). 20th c vellum.

Provenenace: Old stamp „Bibliotheque Cambrai“ on first and last leaf and manuscript entry „Collegii Soc. Jesu Cambraei“ in upper margin of title. Extensive contemporary annotations, both marginal an interlinear, on leaves 1-6, 6 leaves of book 7, and on 76 and 77. A few modern notes on two additional leaves at the end.

This edition was printed in two volumes, as correctly described by SUDOC: books 1-12, and books 13-24. The book is the first separate printing of the Odyssey in Greek.

Worldcat lists 12 copies. Adams H790 (without noting, that ρ4 is a blank, and that the edition is printed in two volumes). For the typeface see: Vervliet, Greek typefaces of the early French Renaissance, in: Journal of the Printing Historical Society, 2002/4, p. 25f.