Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter

Bruno, G. / Cardano / Vanini / Gorlaeus ... — Mersenne, Marin

L’Impiété des déistes … Volume 1 of 2 — Paris 1624


L’Impiété des déistes et des plus subtils Libertins … Volume 1 of 2. — Paris, Pierre Billaine, 1624.

First edition

8vo (172 x 108 mm). 18 leaves, 834 pp., 35 leaves (Mm4 blank).

Titlepage dusty and mounted, name on it cut out, upper margin of title-page cut short; G3 with paper flaw to outer margin, lower margin of Ggg6 repaired. Contemporary vellum. Rare.

Please note:

Title and preliminaries are lacking in this copy and are replaced by those of volume 2.

This is followed by the text of volume 1 (834 pp. +5 leaves Fautes principales and Tables des chapitres). To this the Index of volume 2 Tables des principales matieres … (28 leaves, the last is a blank) is added.

Strange enough the British Library copy is also lacking title and preliminaries of volume 1.

Salvestrini, Bibliografia di Giordano Bruno, no. 301.