Greek Grammar - Neander, Michael
Graecae linguae tabulae […] — Basel 1564
1.200 €Graecae linguae tabulae, postremo ab auctore recognitae […] Accesserunt praeterea ad finem, Gnomologici graecolatini tomi seu partes duae: quarum altera sententias selectiore, sapientum, philosophorum, medicorum, historicorum, geographorum, rhetorum, sophistarum & philologorum: altera autem poetarum versus insigniores continet; descripta fere ex plerisque; Graecis autoribus qui exstant […] — Basileae, per Ioannem Oporinum, 1564.
Aa-Ii8 Kk4; α-ε8 ζ4; A-Z a-k8: 152 pp., (1) folded table, 87, 527 pp. Each part has its own title-page.
Contemporay pigskin over wooden boards, two clasps. Binding rubbed, initials IEW, dated 1570 on upper cover; centrepiece with Justitia on upper and Lucretia on lower cover [hard to identify]. – Adams N-110; VD16 N-374.