Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter

Basilius Magnus

Ὁμιλία πρὸς τοῖς νέοις … Concio ad adolescentes … — Rome 1578


Ὁμιλία πρὸς τοῖς νέοις … Concio ad adolescentes … — Ἐτυπώθη ἐν ῾Ρώμη διὰ Φραγκίσκου Ζανέτου Ἔτει τῆς θεογονίας αφοη [Rome, Franciscus Zanetti, 1578].

8vo (135 x 92). α, β8: 16 leaves. Interleaved copy. First three printed pages with interlinear translations of Greek words into Latin, some notes on grammar on first and second blank leaves. Early vellum; on the  covers a student seems to have practised a circle.

Provenance: Contemporary inscription Collegij Germanici (Rome; established in 1552 by Julius III, named Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum from 1580 onwards) on title-page,

exlibris Thomas Ashby Jun. (1874-1931, archaeologist, head of the British School in Rome) on paste-down,

exlibris Livio Ambrogio (το ξυλον του γινωσκειν το καλον και πονηρον) on upper fly-leaf.

Edit16 76221 & USTC 764171.

A very rare book: both catalogues list one copy only: Biblioteca del Seminario vescovile – Forlì.