Antiquariat Jürgen Dinter

Gregentius of Zafar

Διαλέξις … — Paris 1586

Διαλέξις μετὰ Ιουδαίου Ἑρβᾶν τούνομα […] disputatio cum Hebarno Iudaeo. Nunc primum Graece edita, cum interpretatione Nic. Gulonii […] — Lutetiae, Apud Federicum Morellum Typographum Regium. M.D.LXXXVI. [Paris, F. Morel, 1586].

Editio princeps

8vo (183 x 110 mm). A8 a-z8 ✝︎8 A8 B4: (8), 204 f. Signatures in Greek below Greek text, in Latin below Latin text. Two old stamps on title, the lower one repeated on leaves c1 and i7. Quire h stained. Manuscript title on lower egde. Recent calf. – Hoffmann II2 170; Adams G 1081.

¶ „Editio princeps of the only extant work of St. Gregentius, sixth-century archbishop of Taphar, in South Arabia; the Disputatio consists of a debate between Gregentius and Herban, a learned rabbi; the work is believed to reflect the drastic efforts of the saint to convert the local Jews. The debate took place at Taphar, in the presence of the king, Abramius, several bishops, a number of Jews, and the entire population of the city; the debate was terminated by the miraculous appearance of Christ and the infliction of blindness upon the Jews, who were, however, restored to sight on their believing and being baptized. According to legend, over 5 million Jews converted in consequence.“ (E. K. Schreiber, cat. 37, no. 68)