Δειπνοσοφιστῶν … Basel 1535
Δειπνοσοφιστῶν βιβλία πεντεκαίδεκα. Dipnosophistarum, hoc est argute sciteque in convivio disserentum. Lib. XV.
Basilea apud Johannem Valderum mense Septemb. anno M.D.XXXV. (Colophon: Ἐτυπώθη ἐν Βασιλείᾳ ἀναλώμασι κaὶ ἐπιμέλειᾳ Ἰωάννου Βαλδέρου, ἔτει τῷ τῆς ἐνσαρκοῦ οἰκονομίας τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, χιλιαστῷ πεντακοσιοστῷ τριακοστῷ πέμπτῳ, μηνὶ Μεμακτηριῶνι).
Basel, Johannes Walder, Sept. 1535
Folio (318 x 205 mm). a-e6 f4 α-ω Α-Γ6 Δ8, without blank Δ8. (34) leaves, 337 [= 333], (1) p. Three small holes in the title page. Contemporary vellum.
The improved edition to the Aldine (1514) was prepared by the Strasbourg humanists Jacob Bedrott and Christian Herlin. It has several Indices (Catalogus scriptorum, Proverbia, In Athenaei loca, Index rerum et vocum Graecus, Index Latinus), and „a multitude of information from reference books such as the dictionaries by Didymus of Alexandria, of the Χαλκὲντερου-Βιβλιολάθα and diverse other works that have not survived to our days.“ (Staikos/Onassis p. 33)
Provenance: The copy was donated by a J. F. Suyvius (Suys) on 24 March 1633 in Leyden to „his extraordinary friend“ Isaac Gruter (1610-1680?), grandson of Janus Gruter. Isaac translated Thomas Browne, Francis Bacon, Savile’s book on Tacitus, Gilbert’s De Mundo Nostro Sublunari and a few more into Latin.
Adams A-2097; VD16 A 4003; Hoffmann I 395; Hieronymus 303.